Eaton Township Supervisors:
2020 Kenneth White (570) 237-1677
Chairman / Roadmaster
2024 Jim Greenley 570-574-0950
2024 Bob Pitcavage (570) 690-8251
Secretary : Jennifer Harvey 570-836-3725 Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday 8 am to noon & 1 pm to 3:30
office phone (570) 836-3725
office fax (570) 836-5315 email:
Township Address: 1331 Hunter Hwy.
Tunkhannock, PA 18657
Tax Collector: Becky Watkins (570) 836-8392 829 Hunter Hwy.
Tunkhannock, PA 18657
Sewage Enforcement Officer: KBA Engineering (570) 876-5745
25 Washington Ave, Jermyn, PA 18433
Preconstruction Permit Officer: Chad Patton (570) 721-1420
Zoning Officer & Code Enforcement Chad Patton (570) 721-1420
Floodplain Administrator (Chad Patton (570) 721-1420
Building Permits & Inspections: Bureau Veritas (570) 836-7196 184
Keiserville Road
Fax (570) 836-5967 Tunkhannock, PA 18657
Solicitor: Robert Sheils, JR (570) 587-2600 108 North Abington Road
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Auditors: Evelyn Dana
Theresa Rule
EMA Coordinator: TBA
1. The Southeastern Wyoming County COG meets on the 2nd
Wednesday of each month at the Township building at 7 PM
2. Eaton Twp. Zoning Hearing Board meets on the 3rd Tuesday
of Jan., April, July, and Oct. at the Township building at 7 PM
3. Eaton Twp. Planning Commission meets on the 4th Monday
of Jan., April, July, and Oct. at the Township building at 7 PM
4. Supervisors meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 PM
at the Eaton Township Building,1331 Hunter Hwy.